Glossary of some useful terms

ANUGA - the international food show held every two years in Cologne, Germany

Dry legumes - pulses ranging from dry peas and chickpeas to dry beans

EU - European Union, now made up of 25 member nations

FAS - Foreign Agricultural Service, a part of the US Department of Agriculture

FMD - Foreign Market Development, US Department of Agriculture-sponsored international marketing development programs

MAP - Market Access Program, US Department of Agriculture-sponsored international marketing promotional programs

Margin of Preference - a special tariff based on the link between EU intervention prices and world reference prices

MFN - Most Favored Nation status, granted to certain countries allowing them import tariff reductions on their exported products

NGOs - Non-government organizations involved in humanitarian aid relief and development programs

PVOs - Private volunteer organizations, involved in humanitarian food-aid, relief and development programs

SIAL - Salon International de l'Alimentation, the international food show of France held every two years in Paris

Tariffs - Customs duties levied on given imported products

UES - Unified Export Strategy, the planning document required for MAP and FMD market promotion programs, supported by the US Department of Agriculture

WFP - World Food Program, a branch of the United Nations

WTO - World Trade Organization, the arbiter of international trade disputes